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I had labs and I saw that my lipoprotein(a) was elevated. Should I be fr...

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I have severe aortic stenosis due to a bicuspid aortic valve, can I have the replacement through my groin?

Asked and Answered • 2m 20s

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  • I had labs and I saw that my lipoprot...

    " Lp(a) increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular issues such as aortic stenosis. We are still learning about it. If it is high, your doctor might start paying closer attention to your risk factors and start treatment earlier."

    - Dr. Alexander Postalian, General and ...

  • How is it possible for one sibling to...

    Dr. Postalian shares that "You do not share your entire genetic material with your sibling unless you are identical twins."

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  • My urologist tells me I need testoste...

    "Some research indicates testosterone may lead to arterial plaque, yet other studies, such as the Traverse trial, show no increased risk for high-risk patients. The key takeaway is to use testosterone cautiously, with low doses and regular monitoring."

    -Dr. Alexander Postalian

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