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I had a calcium score of 732, and my nuclear stress test was apparently ...

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Beyond Hot Flashes: The Impact of Menopause on Women's Health

For Patients • 29m

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  • I had a calcium score of 732, and my ...

    "A calcium score shows the amount of calcified cholesterol plaque in the arteries of your heart, a nuclear perfusion study tells us if that plaque is obstructing blood flow to your heart muscle." - Dr. Alexander Postalian, General and Interventional Cardiologist

    Read More: https://www.texasheart...

  • Understanding Atrial Fibrillation: Ca...

    In this video, Dr. Mitch Tan, a cardiac electrophysiology fellow at The Texas Heart Institute, explains atrial fibrillation (AFib), an abnormal heart rhythm associated with increased risks of stroke, hospitalization, and death.

    Dr. Tan covers the basics of how the heart functions, what happens ...

  • How Does an ICD Work? Your Heart Rhyt...

    In this video, Dr. Mitch Tan, a cardiac electrophysiology fellow at The Texas Heart Institute, explains what ICDs (implantable cardiac defibrillators) are, why some people need them, and how they are implanted.

    ICDs are life-saving devices that monitor heart rhythm and deliver shocks if a dange...