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My Doctor Says I Need Quadruple Bypass Surgery. Why Can’t I Have Stents ...

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I want to take the injection Amy Schumer used to lose weight – how do I get it, and is it safe?

Asked and Answered • 1m 28s

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  • My Doctor Says I Need Quadruple Bypas...

    "Not all blockages can be fixed with stents, and surgery might be the better approach. The answer is clear in some patients, but there is a large gray zone. In general (simplification), surgery tends to last longer than stents."
    - Dr. Alexander Postalian, General and Interventional Cardiologist


  • I have high cholesterol and DO NOT wa...

    "Statins are beneficial and harmless to most patients. In patients that cannot take them, or if the numbers are bad despite being on them, many alternatives exist – including multiple types of injections."
    - Dr. Alexander Postalian, General and Interventional Cardiologist

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  • Is there such a thing as too much exe...

    "Going past your limits for prolonged periods of time (such as marathons and triathlons) is probably not good for your heart and joints. Be as active as you can, without overdoing it."

    - Dr. Alexander Postalian, General and Interventional Cardiologist

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